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You can probably guess which plate I put down first! (Clearly Andi is the smart one here.)
Lapkittens Paper Clip and Stapler.
Helix uses the mirror to keep an eye on me, while Spiral and Alley Oop take baths.
“Do I want to nap on the couch or on the wall bed?” considers Posty.
I think Helix meant to jump from the top of that scratcher up onto the wall shelf, but then he got caught up in a Thinkin’ Loop and just sat there staring at the wall for the longest time.
I got word yesterday that there’s an approved application for Alley Oop, so she will go home as soon as she’s feeling better (as will Spiral and Helix). (They are all getting better, but MAN is it slow going.)
Alice Mo loves that catnip fishy nearly as much as she loves her Daddy, I think.
Posted on social media (Facebook/Twitter/Instagram/Tumblr/ Bluesky) yesterday this weekend.
For breakfast, how about a piece of Paper Clip toast? It’ll hit the spot!
Stapler LOVES a catnip toy. She slurped on this toy ’til it was soggy and she was high as a kite, and then she slept it off.
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Petting Andi and Alley Oop. Gorgeous girls!
It’s a Spiral loaf (my favorite!) and an Alley Oop pie (my favorite!)
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Helix floomping around the room, then hanging out in the tunnel. I think just about everyone but Andi shows up in this video, but you get to hear her voice in the distance, so it’s a well-rounded video.
Good night innernets. (Spiral)
Rabbit rabbit rabbit. 🐰 (Stapler) From Wikipedia: “Rabbit rabbit rabbit” is a superstition found in Britain and North America wherein a person says or repeats the words “rabbit”, “rabbits” and/or “white rabbits” aloud upon waking on the first day of a month, to ensure good luck for the rest of it.
Andi comes sliding out from under the bed to see what’s going on.
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A quiet moment in the foster room. ❤️
I just cleaned off that mirror, and Paper Clip is snoopervising my work. “Needs more snot!” she says. “Failing that, maybe some nose marks?”
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Helix floomping around the room (as he does), trying to start something with Posty.
Breakfast is served! Alley Oop has decided to STOP sitting back and waiting for others to finish eating before she joins in.
Look who it is! Pip (formerly Carmy) and Rupe (formerly Richie), having a snuggle. Sharon reports that they now have the run of the entire house, and while Pip was all ABOUT exploring (with periodic check-ins for reassurance), Rupe is taking a more watchful approach. And of course they always find each other again! (Thanks, Sharon!)
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Helix, Alley Oop, Posty and Paper Clip, playing randomly. And Alley Oop is feelin’ sassy – check out her sideways hop at Helix at about 25 seconds.
Stapler is bunny-kicking that catnip toy because she is hiiiigh.
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I’m tossing toys for the kittens – turns out Paper Clip is pretty good at catching ping pong balls! – and Stapler is just rolling around with her catnip toy getting hiiigh.
2024: No entry.
2023: “Who, US? We’d never!”
2022: I introduced Mimosa to Churu.
2021: “You are taking that picture from a very rude angle, lady. I am offended.”
2020: Still here, still pregnant, still adorable.
2019: How RUDE, Charles.
2018: No entry.
2017: We’re keeping him.
2016: “Did someone say “ham”?”
2015: Simon is planning nefarious things, looks like.
2014: “Go ‘way, lady,” says Angelo.
2013: No entry.
2012: Oh my god! Corbie! WATCH OUT! HE’LL CRUSH YOU! Corrrrrrrrrrbieeeeeeeeeeeee!
2011: I hereby officially give up. Corbie and Reacher will not be making the journey to Petsmart again.
2010: For the first few days, the cats were literally standing in line to lay on the Ham-Mick.
2009: Rumba likes to drag the feather toy around, while Samba chases the end of the stick.
2008: No entry.
2007: No entry.
2006: No entry.
2005: No entry.
Pip and Rupe ooze smugness. Talk about a happy ending!
I could seriously fall for Stapler and her sweet face..
I wish I could provide a lap for lapkittens Paper Clip and Stapler, and anyone else who felt like lapkitten-ing. Darn, I’m still half a country away.
Yaaaaay! for happy forever home updates!