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On Friday, we got snow – about 3 inches of it, maybe a bit more (I didn’t measure.)
As I’d said repeatedly last weekend, everyone would go home this past weekend if weather permitted. Obviously, weather did not permit – so they’re staying a bit longer!
They spent a lot of time watching the birds while it snowed.
Saturday the sun came out, and Tina puzzled over how the snow glistened in the sunshine.
The snow is mostly melted – we still have a patch here and there, but expect it’ll be completely gone by the end of the day.
After we had our fill of staring at the sun and the birds, Fred got out Da Bird feather teaser (link for reference) and while Carmy wasn’t all that interested in chasing it, Tina and Richie (DEFINITELY Richie) had some fun.
I love how it looks like she’s sneaking across the room on tippytoe.
There he goes again! (Please note Carmy’s Ears of Annoyance.)
This is probably my favorite, with him looking directly at me. Right after I got this picture, he crash-landed in my lap.
Alice wishes they’d keep it quiet up there.
Posted on social media (Facebook/Twitter/Instagram/Tumblr/ Bluesky) this weekend.
Tina says “Rowr.” (If I ever walk into the room to see the cube right side up, I swear I’ll pass out from the shock. It’s always sideways or upside-down!)
Former fosters Amber (Ambercup, 2015 – with some white) and Stardust (2017) have merged into the rare two-headed cat! (Hey, whatever keeps you warm, right?)
(Thanks Debra!)
YouTube link
I call this one “the leaping cube.” Well, maybe “the hopping cube” would be more accurate?
Carmy (near) and Richie (far) are keeping an eye out for those birds.
YouTube link
Richie, Carmy and Tina in slow motion – featuring the cube!
Good night innernets. (Carmy (left) and Richie)
Yesterday it snowed (which is not usual for North Alabama)! We got about 3″. Rocco strolled around the property to be sure there was snow EVERYWHERE (yes, it’s cold out there. No, I didn’t bring him in – he brought himself in. Perhaps I’ve mentioned that there’s a cat door into the garage where he has two heated beds AND a space heater?). Tina, Carmy and Richie kept a very close eye on the birds.
YouTube link
We had snow yesterday (not usual for North Alabama) and Tina, Richie and Carmy spent the day “hunting” birds out the window.
YouTube link
Richie continues to love that dangly mouse toy!
Good night innernets. (Richie)
Remember how last weekend I said “Carmy and Richie (together) and Tina will go home next weekend, weather permitting”? Well, weather did not permit – we got snow, the adopters got MORE snow which makes the roads treacherous, and so Richie, Carmy and Tina are with us ’til next weekend!
YouTube link
It’s bath time for Carmy and Richie. Thlurrp thlurrp thlurrp!
Good night innernets. (Tina, with Richie behind her.)
2024: No entry.
2023: Is it time to bunny-kick a toy? I think it is.
2022: No entry.
2021: Not much to report on the Canasta front.
2020: Josephine shows off her Ears of Annoyance.
2019: “It’s a Fwanks,” I always say to him, and then he gives me this look.
2018: No entry.
2017: And now he looks like he’s been getting his ‘nip on.
2016: Levine works on his cabriole, which is messy and needs a lot of work, obviously.
2015: I assure you, Pat’s eyes really are that strikingly beautiful.
2014: “Can’t a girl get her ‘nip on without the paparazzi snapping PICTURES of it? I’m sure this’ll be all over the tabloids tomorrow!”
2013: No entry.
2012: Hopefully Jake will remember them and give them the full Loony treatment.
2011: Sights from around a snowy Crooked Acres.
2010: “There’s a WHOLE ‘NOTHER bed here all of a sudden! And not only is it purty…. it’s SOFT!”
2009: No entry.
2008: No entry.
2007: No entry.
2006: No entry.
2005: No entry.
What great snow pictures! ::Says in best Charlie Brown voice “I got sleet”:: 🙁
And I loved revisiting the snow of 2011! Aww happy George and Gracie frolicking around Crooked Acres!
Choreographer George Balanchine supposedly used his cats to inspire his ballet moves…
Yes! His beloved cat Mourka— of whom he supposedly said, “At last, a body worthy of my choreography!”
Those pictures of Leaping Richie are amazing, and absolutely delightful. *SO* balletic! Thank you, Robyn!
I love that!
Such a lovely picture of your snowy yard! Is is common to have so many cardinals in one spot at the same time down South? I normally only see one, or possibly a mated pair at my feeders. Signed, a jealous Northerner 😉
I think we finally have a challenger to Everett Peppers’s Best Jumper Ever title! Richie certainly has a greater variety of cool moves.
I think you’re right!
Wow, Richie, some REALLY impressive moves! I especially like the open mouth on some of them–like he was SURE he would make a meal of that bird! The pointed toes are pretty cool too!
WOW!! Richie’s leaping is truly amazing! (As are your photography skills, I must say.) Such height and form! And I laughed out loud at “he crash-landed in my lap”; what a character.
I love your pics of Richie flying through the air, but the same pics with an unenthusiastic Tina really crack me up! The one where it looks like she’s ducking for cover really makes me chuckle. 🙂
I believe Richie is channeling Baryshnikov, pointed toes and all.
I read this comment, went back and looked at the picture, and then LAUGHED MY FOOL HEAD OFF. If that isn’t, in fact, Misha himself in cat form, I don’t know what is.